7th Tradition Contribution
7th tradition:
The 7th tradition states that “Every NA group ought to be fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions.” This meeting does collect a 7th tradition which pays for the cost of the online meetings and anything left over will be donated to the Sonoma County Area of Narcotics Anonymous, Region, and World.
The 3rd Tradition states that “the only requirement for membership is the desire to stop using”. If you are unable, or choose not to contribute to the 7th tradition, we welcome you and invite you to participate in the meeting.
We ask that only NA members contribute to the 7th tradition. It is a violation of our traditions to accept donations from non-members.
The logistics for contributing to the 7th tradition.
This meeting has a Venmo account and you can donate through the Venmo App to the User Account named: Online-Meeting
Please be sure to change setting to Private
1)Open Venmo App
2) Search for Online Meeting
3) Input amount, add comment, change setting to PRIVATE, select Pay.
Paypal and credit card donations are currently set with the fixed amount of $5.00 per 7th Tradition donation transaction.
To donate $5 using your PayPal account or Credit/Debit card, use the buttons below. Please note that due to transaction fees the payment amount for a credit card received by the Sonoma Online NA group will be $4.55
Send $5.00
If you require more assistance with this please email sonomaonlinena@gmail.com after the meeting to request a copy of these steps.
Sonoma Online NA is not affiliated with Venmo, Paypal, or any other banking institution. We do not endorse or oppose the use of these businesses. Our relationship is such that we are utilizing their services at this time to facilitate 7th tradition donations from our members.