Sonoma Online NA Marathon Meeting Format
Welcome to the Sonoma Online Marathon Meeting of Narcotics Anonymous. My name is _________, I am an addict and your secretary. Let’s open the meeting with the Serenity Prayer.
This is a holiday marathon meetings. Our meetings are not recorded and we ask that attendees NOT record in any way or make screen prints. If you have called in from your phone and wish to keep your number private, you can dial *67 before the area code of the meeting call-in number.
Upon entry to the meeting your microphone will be muted. The chat will generally become available during meeting breaks. If you are connected through a device with a video camera, you may choose to enable or disable your video image. You can do so by clicking the video icon.
Our first tradition states that "personal recovery depends on NA unity". This means that if someone is disruptive by displaying inappropriate images or engaging in harassing or otherwise disruptive behavior, they will be removed from the meeting.
A newcomer is someone in their first 30 days of recovery. Do we have any newcomers or anyone who is attending their very first NA meeting?
Can someone please read:
· Twelve Traditions of Narcotics Anonymous
The information we provide during our announcements can be found on our website at:
We will also enter the information in the chat once the announcements are finished.
Treasurer Announcement: 7th tradition
This meeting does collects funds per our 7th tradition which pays for the cost of the online meetings and anything left over will be donated to the Sonoma County Area of Narcotics Anonymous, Region, and World.
It costs nothing to belong to the fellowship. Our 3rd Tradition states that “the only requirement for membership is the desire to stop using”. If you are unable, or simply do not wish to contribute to the 7th tradition, we welcome you and invite you to participate in the meeting.
Contributions can be made clicking the "7th Tradition" link on our web page, we accept donations through:
Debit/Credit Card
Venmo: @online-meeting
Literature Announcement:
The list of viewable NA literature can be found on our website by clicking on the "Literature" link.
You can purchase literature online by going to The link can also be found on our web page.
Proof of Attendance:
Proof of Attendance:
This NA group will provide proof of attendance to those who request it. For proof of attendance please go to the website:
Input Today's Password and it will generate a pdf proof of attendance for that day.
Today's Passsword is:
Are there any other NA Related Announcements?
The Marathon Meeting Schedule is as Follows:
Meeting Time (Pacific Time) | Meeting Format |
Thurs 12:00PM - 1:15PM | Speaker |
Thurs 1:45PM - 3:00PM | Speaker |
Thurs 3:30PM - 4:45PM | Speaker |
Thurs 5:15PM - 6:45PM | Speaker |
Thurs 7:00PM - 8:00 PM |
Use Meeting ID: 215 310 190 pw: 1953 |
Speaker meeting. Each Speaker will speak for about 20 minutes and after that the meeting will be open for discussion.
Discussion portion of the meeting:
Please limit your share to 3-5 minutes so everyone has a chance to speak. You can participate by virtually raising your hand. The Raise Hand function can be found in Participants section in the lower right corner, or at the bottom of the screen on a mobile device. You can also use the chat to send a message to the secretary or co-host to indicate that you would like to speak.
We ask that you do not engage in cross-talk. Cross-talk is interrupting another member by engaging in dialogue, debate, or commenting extensively on another person's share.
In Closing:
Does anyone have a burning desire? A burning desire is if you feel like using, please speak up now and take the power out of it. Please remember to unmute.
We ask that who you see here, and what you hear here, let it stay here—please be respectful of our member's anonymity.
Will someone read Just for Today?
Just for Today
Just for today my thoughts will be on my recovery, living and enjoying life without the use of drugs.
Just for today I will have faith in someone in NA who believes in me and wants to help me in my recovery.
Just for today I will have a program. I will try to follow it to the best of my ability.
Just for today through NA I will try to get a better perspective on my life.
Just for today I will be unafraid, my thoughts will be on my new associations, people who are not using and who have found a new way of life. So long as I follow that way, I have nothing to fear.
After Meeting Socializing:
This meeting will remain online during the break before the next meeting. For those who would like to stay, please be mindful that this is not a private space and anything shared after the meeting may be heard by those who are still logged in. The chat functionality will be turned on so you can communicate with specific members. You can do so by selecting their name from the drop-down menu in the Chat. Otherwise, the chat default is to everyone. Please remember to be inclusive of all members who remain online and especially welcoming to the newcomers.
And ____________ will now help us close the meeting with an NA prayer.
Marathon Meeting Schedule:
Meeting Time (Pacific Time)Meeting Format
Thurs 12:00PM - 1:15PM | Speaker |
Thurs 1:45PM - 3:00PM | Speaker |
Thurs 3:30PM - 4:45PM | Speaker |
Thurs 5:15PM - 6:45PM | Speaker |
For the 7PM Meeting go to Meeting ID: 215 310 190 pw: 1953